
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Bit More History.

Before I go much further, I would like to say that this is my second attempt at a Garden Railway. I have learned a lot over the years, but I still seem to find the hardest way to do things.
The Emu Bay Garden Railway at our old house went right around the house, under the eaves for most of the way and through the corner of the sun room. There was a lift out section over the path to the house, which was a bit of a nuisance, but with a small back yard it was the only way to go. It was good fun running trains, even though we had a few problems with clearances. Well there is a bit of History for you, now on with the latest Emu Bay Garden Railway, exciting stuff isn't it !!! Now the E. B. R. has evolved into the Emu Bay Railway Preservation Society, this means I can run anything as it is a preserved Railway, just like Puffing Billy, my favorite narrow gauge Railway.

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